The new Centre for Psychology and Forensic Psychiatry “S. Alessandro” of Rome


Marco Cannavicci, director of the Centre for Psychology and Forensic Psychiatry, explains the strengths of the new Centre

The structure “S. Alessandro” of Rome, specialized in the treatment of affective and behavioral disorders, stands out in the national health panorama for the quality of services offered by highly qualified specialists, able to assist patients of all ages. Belonging to the Neomesia Group – a network composed of 18 structures (including specialist clinics, psychiatric clinics and therapeutic communities) located in 8 Italian regions – from 1 October 2018 the health facility has a new Centre for Psychology and Forensic Psychiatry, born with the intent to provide a highly qualified and reliable consulting service.

Dr. Cannavicci, what is the service? And who is it for?

The new Centre was created with the aim of providing psychological and clinical technical advice, in judicial (civil and criminal) and out-of-court matters. This is a service aimed at legal doctors, lawyers, insurance companies and private individuals who need a valid scientific support that can, unequivocally, support the causal link between a certain pathological condition and a legal case (mobbing, stalking).

What are the strengths of the centre?

To use a multidisciplinary team – with clinical, legal, medico-legal and psychological skills – able to draw up a valid and detailed expert report, carrying out all the necessary investigations (clinical, psych diagnostic and medico-legal) within the structure itself, resulting in considerable savings in terms of costs and time for the user.

More info:

phone 335 1893170

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